Sunday, June 19, 2011

Walking With Lily

My 17 week old French Bulldog, Lily got the rest of her vaccines yesterday which means I am finally able to walk her.  Last night I took her for a walk in the neighbouring schoolyard and park.  I was delighted with the beauty of the evening and the wonderful young families I met.  I shake my head in horror and wonderment to think that previously on a Saturday evening I might have sat watching TV instead.  Lily has changed my life.

This morning kicked off the inaugural walk of my walking group - and marked Lily's first walk on the boardwalk!  A group of six women and one husband, as well as Higgie, met at the eastern end of the Toronto Beaches boardwalk and we walked together at a very good clip the full 3 kilometres to the end where we did five minutes of strength training and stretching before we walked 3 K back the other way.

Enroute we encountered my dear friend and former Weight Watchers leader Mo, together with her husband and her new dog Pico.  Here is a picture of Mo introducing Pico to Lily:

We hope that Mo and Pico will join us in the weeks to come when we continue to walk and exercise together.  I had a great time walking and talking with the group and really look forward to doing it again.  Like walking with Lily last night, it's something I really wish I had started sooner.

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